Monday, November 9, 2020

Oh, the Joys! Canoeing with Grandkids!

 Oh, the Joys! Canoeing with Grandkids!

Oh, to share our love of canoeing with the grandkids.  To introduce them to canoeing, we canoed only about a mile on the Green River in Kentucky.  This was intended to give them a taste of being on a river, so that they would want to do more! The youngest had never been in a boat and was terrified that he would tip when we put him in the middle of the canoe. It took  five minutes of talking to him calmly, and then he was ready.  The oldest was also hesitant but didn't express it; we could just tell by the tenseness of his body and his reluctance to pick up the paddle.  But these photos show you the results.

Working on accomplishing a stroke
Learning to Paddle!

Look at How I can Make the Canoe Move!

I can Paddle from the Middle of the Boat!

This is Fun!

Who Doesn't Love Gorp!

I'm Having a Great Day!

How Much Better Could it Get?
On the River, with my Grandkids!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! And a great start to the next generation of paddlers. Now, isn't it November in Kentucky?
